"Cobblestone" began as a
dream with my first dog. As a kid I showed horses and then dogs.
I finally convinced my parents to let me get my own dog after
training and showing dogs for other people. We selected a
Shetland Sheepdog for their size and trainability. My blue
merle Sheltie was named "Fanfare's Cobblestone Blue
C.D." I vowed that someday I would have a
kennel and stable to honor my first dog "Stoney".
And that is how I came to have Cobblestone English Cocker Spaniels.
I returned to the dog world several years ago when my friend Rick decided to
adopt a 15 month old English Cocker Spaniel, Ryan.

Rick and I co-own Ryan but I wanted an ECS of my own. Particularly a blue
roan and tan boy, so "Teddy" joined our growing home of
English Cockers. This is a picture of Teddy (left) and
Ryan (right) on our back deck.
Next came my desire for a girl and so "Sadie"
rounded out our kennel, and Cobblestone was born!
Ryan, &
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